welding and Brazing yes used for connect Material of Two kinds Commonly used technology , These method of progress improve Got it connect nickel net of ability .
nickel net yes A sort of use widely of Material , use widely , include filter , shield and electric application . because That Thin and Exquisite of characteristic as well as high conductivity and Corrosion resistance , connect nickel net face With unique of challenge .
in recent years , these past few years , welding and tin weld technology Significantly progress , fast advance , Achievements Significantly , special yes against nickel net This type thin Thin Material specialized technological innovation , constantly of Improve , great land simplify and mention Lift Got it That connect process efficiency and reliability , These advanced technology pass Accurate control thermal energy enter and exert pressure , really were able generate firm durable Junction point , at the same time avoid Got it right Material cause damage risk , thereby accomplish Got it right nickel net connect Way efficient optimization and promote .
micro welding technology pass application high Accurate and concentrated heat source , specialized use exist melt and combine nickel net edge , by This side Mode able Significantly reduce Variety shape and hot Influence area , thereby generate extremely firm and durable Connector , Pleasing to the eyes . at the same time maximum degree land reduce Got it right Surrounding Material cause damage very have possibility .
Apart from welding progress outside , welding technology of Improve also right nickel net of connect produce Got it major Influence . because nickel net of high conductivity and Corrosion resistance , Tradition of welding method usually difficult exist nickel online create solid reliable Connector . However , new welding alloy and flux yes specialized for nickel net develop of , Can supply Improve of moisten and bonding characteristic , thereby form strong and sturdy of Connector .
also , advanced welding equipment ( For example Precision iron and reflow furnace ) of develop make welding process of control variable have to more easy , and exist nickel online create consistent and reliable Connector . These progress Significantly improve Got it welding as nickel net connect method of ability .
exist nickel net connect process middle , conduct of process middle , introduce Got it For example Ultrasound sound wave welding and laser welding wait advanced connect technology , impressive Amazed . These technology pass high frequency vibration or focus Laser beam exist nickel online generate stable and reliable contact , feel Comfortable . Significantly reduce Got it heat enter and deformation change , thereby truly of ensure Got it connect Efficiency and Accuracy , special especially Be applicable exist right Accuracy and cleanliness have strict requirements application Scenes .
welding and Brazing technology continued progress Significantly promote Got it nickel net connect efficacy , give birth to Got it more firm , Stablize and durable connect technology , impressive Amazed . make Quite a few Function nickel net be able to Even widely land application exist All kinds Scenes . Outlook Not far of future , worth Outlook , welding and Brazing technology further optimization and promote hopefully continued strengthen nickel net connect ability , but specific progress and Influence still need in accordance with up to date Research and Market dynamics Come judge , like flower bloom .