exist Selection use exist specific project nickel net hour , need comprehensive consider Quite a few Heavy Dimensions factor , Influence of Element , by truly of ensure selected Material were able Perfect adaptation and satisfy required application strict requirements . this involving arrive right nickel net physics characteristic , Chemical stability and Performance go deep understand and Evaluate , at the same time More consider arrive cost benefit , Production Process compatibility as well as Environmental friendly factor wait Quite a few aspect consider , by accomplish optimal use Effect and long value maximize , extremely spectacular !
choose nickel net hour want consider of heaviest want factor one yes Available of standard size . nickel net have Various standard size available choose , have different of Mesh number and Silk path available choose . correct of grid size Will depending on application of specific Require , include required of filter or separation efficiency , as well as project of physics size .
choose nickel net standard size hour , important of yes want consider Mesh number , Right now Every Linear inch of Open your mouth number . compare high of Mesh number Will lead to Even thin of Mesh , thereby Can supply better of filter or separation efficiency . However , compare thin of grid also possible have compare Low of flow rate , therefore exist grid number and flow rate between obtain balance Very heavy want .
exist choose nickel net standard size hour , Apart from consider mesh size outside , return need trade off Silk diameter Right filter or Separation able and structure strength Influence . of great importance , Influence too Pass far-reaching ! thick metallic line production net more strong and sturdy , but very have possible meeting reduce filter or separation efficiency ; on the contrary , impressive revel night sky ! thin metallic line So able improve filter or separation efficiency , but very have possible easier damaged… exist truly of ensure enough strength at the same time soon beg optimal filter Effect , careful choose suitable Silk diameter arrive close important .
choose nickel net standard size hour , Apart from Mesh number and Silk path outside , consider project of physics size also Very heavy want . grid size answer enough big by cover required area , but again cannot too big so that difficult Install or deal with . consider project of shape as well as grid of any specific Require ( For example incision or customize shape ) also Very heavy want .
In short , exist choose nickel net standard size hour , important of yes want consider Various factor , include Mesh number , Silk diameter and physics size . pass carefulness Evaluate These factor , Can for specific application choose suitable of nickel net , make sure That satisfy filter , separation or shield of Require .