Stainless steel felt yes A sort of Multifunction and durable of Material , Commonly used At Various application , include filter , heat insulation and Noise control . Although Stainless steel Felt exist performance and Service life aspect have many advantage , but learn That entire life cycle right environment of Influence also Very heavy want .
exist conduct Stainless steel felt Complete life cycle Evaluate hour , Ignorant of us go deep Analyze Got it Should Material from raw materials Obtain until abandoned Dispose entire process middle environmental effects , aimed at comprehensive master That ecology footprints and identify need optimization and promote key links .
exist Stainless steel Felt Production environment consider middle , raw materials Obtain and Process middle Habitat destroy , water resources pollute , carbon emission , High energy consumption and greenhouse gas and pollutants emission wait environmental impact , right thing of effect , constitute Got it complex and Confusing challenge .
exist conduct Stainless steel Felt life cycle Evaluate hour , manufacture Craftsmanship yes one The essential consider factor . this Once passed Procedure middle , conduct of process middle , involving Will steel fiber melt , rolling and braid for felt shape Material a series step , period consume energy , water resources as well as use Chemical material very have possible cause environment question , need solve of matter , like Air and Water body pollute , thereby Opposite state environment produce Negative impact . of great importance , Influence too Pass far-reaching !
LCA Apart from consider Production stage outside , return Take the exam consider Stainless steel felt of use stage . Stainless steel felt with its Durability and Service life and famous , this exist reduce frequently replace of need aspect have Advantage . However , Take the exam consider Material of Energy consumption , maintain Require and scrapped deal with , by full learn That exist use stage right environment of Influence .
at last , life cycle Evaluate middle Take the exam consider Stainless steel felt of scrapped deal with . Stainless steel yes A sort of high recyclable of Material , exist That Service life Finish hour have possible quilt reuse or Recycle . pass correct Recycle Stainless steel Felt , us Can reduce right original Material of need , and maximum limit land reduce send to Rubbish landfill of waste .
In short , pass life cycle Evaluate examine Stainless steel felt right environment of Influence for learn use This kind of Material of all Influence crucial . pass Sure Influence That environment footprints of The key factor , us Can effort maximum limit land reduce That right environment of Influence , and Promote Stainless steel Felt Production and use of Can continued practice . also , pass invest At recyclable sex and resource efficiency , us Can further reduce Stainless steel Felt right environment of Influence and Enhance That sustainability .