although titanium felt as A sort of high Quite a few hole and lightweight Material exist public Quite a few field middle Showing extraordinary performance , That exist rich in alkaline environment Down application potential until recently talent start quilt go deep dig and understand , understand others mean , this One shot now undoubtedly subversion Got it Tradition cognition and open up Got it brand new very have possibility .
titanium felt of unique structure Depend on interconnection of fiber and high Porosity composition , Can accomplish Efficient of mass transfer and high specific surface product . These characteristic make That become bad environment of ideal choose , For example Corrosion resistance and chemical resistant sex crucial of rich base environment .
exist rich in alkaline environment middle , Tradition Material face With severe challenge , special especially yes Depend on exist serious corrosion and erosion cause high repair and maintain cost question . and titanium felt because of Significantly Alkali resistance corrosive able , exist this situation Down Showing excellence Advantage , favorable of condition , thereby become solve Certainly this one question The essential solve Certainly plan .
exist one item Recently Research middle , when A group the scientist Will titanium felt set exist High concentration alkaline solution Inside long time soak later , them surprise land Discover , pity too introversion ! although experience Got it long time bad environment test , Should Material still Showing Trivially corrosion trace , thereby prove Got it That exist extreme condition Down amazing Durability able .
this one innovation Significantly Expand Got it titanium felt exist rich in alkaline substance environment application scope , thing of limit , make That exist response alkaline pollute water filter , Chemical processing and manufacturing plant middle involving alkaline solution All kinds process hour , Showing unprecedented Adaptability and Durability , special Be applicable exist catalytic converter and electrode wait components .
also , exist rich base environment middle use titanium felt have possible bring Significantly of cost save . That lasting of Durability mean Even Low of maintain and replace cost , as well as reduce because equipment Fault and lead to of shutdown time . this possible meeting right rely use base solution of industry produce major Influence , thereby Improve efficiency and productivity .
titanium felt exist rich in alkaline substance extreme environment middle Showing That Quite a few Feature and super big potential , Can imagine this One shot now not only exist material science field cause Got it one game revolution , and for solve Certainly bad condition Down actual question open up Got it new very have possibility . That exist extreme environment middle application highlight Got it titanium felt as The essential Material importance , Foreshadow With exist this one field Inside future Research and develop Will full unlimited innovation opportunity .
In short , titanium felt exist rich base environment middle break in obstacle of ability prove Got it That excellence of performance and potential . along with All walks of life Industry constantly seek against challenge condition of Even Can continued , Even durable of solution , titanium felt hopefully exist shape Material technology of future aspect play Key role . it were able bear harsh of rich base environment , open up Got it new opportunity , for exist widely of application middle Reinforcement able and reliability pave Got it the way .