titanium felt braid Material The reason Attractive , then exist exist That exist green architectural design field Showing super big potential , special especially exist Pursue sustainability and ecology friendly type architecture hour , This kind of Material in accordance with borrow That unique performance and characteristic , unique of Attributes , become Got it architecture teacher and design teacher them explore innovation solve Certainly plan process middle focus location .
titanium felt braid technology Created make Lightweight , Flexibility Excellent fabric , very interesting , not only exist Aerospace and medical field Showing excellence application value , cherish endless . and That Under construction build industry potential Influence just gradually emerging , First show of strength , at present right exist this new prosper field explore and practice still at Start stage , develop of different period , guide To That specific application potential and actual effect Evaluate exist must Complexity and Uncertainty , Incomparable happiness !
titanium felt braid of unique able make That become Can continued architecture of ideal choose . That strength and flexibility make That Available At Various application , from roof and cladding arrive sunshade system . also , titanium have very powerful of Corrosion resistance and compare long Service life , make That become Can continued architecture of durable and lasting of choose .
titanium felt braid technology unique place exist exist That innovativeness Convenient location use Got it Natural light Wire , illuminate Forward the way . pass design allow super light penetrate braid model , specific of form , This kind of technology were able generate now that beautiful again Can continued architecture structure , thereby great land promote Got it space nature lighting efficiency , and corresponding land reduce Got it right Artificial illumination rely . this Once passed Procedure not only Significantly save Got it Energy consumption , and for occupant supply Got it more Comfortable , healthy Life environment , around of condition , at the same time also show Got it right environment friendly manner .
titanium felt braid Material Complexity and unique make That not only able efficient use Natural light Wire , illuminate Forward the way . return able as innovation sunshade system application Under construction build design middle , by intelligent Way adjust indoor temperature . pass exist design middle assimilate into specific braid pattern , allow super airflow penetrate , architecture teacher were able Construct issue have passive cool down Function system , have organize of overall , and then Significantly reduce right air conditioner rely , and corresponding land reduce Energy consumption . this one strategic application not only exhibit Got it titanium felt braid exist modern architecture middle Quite a few Feature , return highlight Got it That exist Can continued architectural design field super big potential .
titanium felt because of lightweight characteristic , unique of Attributes , were able Simple land assimilate into existing structure among , and then for old old architecture upgrade by promote That sustainability supply possible , like flower bloom . thereby extend architecture life and alleviate New project right environment burden , Can imagine this one innovation application exist complex and Quite a few Variety architecture field Showing unique value and challenge , increase number quantity Got it Tradition architecture Transformation flexibility and efficacy , at the same time also right building materials choose , project practice as well as environmental impact Evaluate wait propose Got it Even Gao Yao beg , make achitechive exist Pursue Can continued develop Target process middle , conduct of process middle , have to face a series technology , economy and society level complex consider and decision making , Relaxed and happy .
In short , exist Can continued architecture middle use titanium felt braid pattern of strength have possible completely changed us design and put up building of Way . That unique of performance , include strength , flexibility and use Natural light of ability , make That become create Can continued , Energy saving and Vision superior amazing of structure of ideal Material . along with architect and designer constantly explore This kind of innovation Material of possibility , us expected meeting See new wave priority consider environment and Humanity well-being of Can continued architecture .