exist for specific application Pick nickel felt hour , serious Evaluate That Performance arrive close important , this involving arrive right high surface area , outstanding guide Electricity as well as Corrosion resistance consider , reason why ? because These characteristic direct Influence With solve Certainly plan cost benefit and efficacy . want achieve this One glance , this piece Son need go deep understand and accurate measure nickel felt Quite a few aspect Attributes , at the same time need comprehensive trade off different application need and environment condition , by truly of ensure selected Material were able satisfy long Stablize run and performance Require , thereby accomplish optimize and promote cost benefit Compare .
Evaluate nickel felt hour want consider of criticality signifier mark one yes That Porosity . Porosity yes nickel felt structure Inside open space of measure , it direct Influence That permeability and filter efficiency . compare high of Porosity usually mean better of Filterability able , this make That become The fuel cell middle of gas diffusion electrode as well as Air and water purification filter system wait application middle need consider of important index .
Apart from Porosity outside , consider nickel felt of specific surface product also Very heavy want . specific surface product yes Material unit quality Summary table area of measure , exist Decide That Catalytic activity and electrochemistry performance aspect rise With crucial of effect . for catalytic Convert device and energy storage device electrode wait application , high specific surface product for maximize chemical reaction Available of active surface area crucial .
exist consider nickel felt application exist high temperature and corrosion environment hour , That mechanical strength and Durability Evaluate arrive close important . for truly of ensure nickel felt exist These Harsh condition Down Keep structure whole , need focus on analyze That Compressive strength , tensile strength as well as Corrosion resistance able , thereby judge That whether adaptation exist specific industry application Scenes .
also , nickel felt of Conductivity yes Battery and super capacitor electrode wait application middle need consider of criticality signifier mark . high Conductive Rate for efficient of electronic transmission and energy storage crucial , make That become Decide nickel felt solution Wholeness able and cost benefit of important factor .
exist Evaluate have cost benefit of solution of nickel felt Performance hour , important of yes want consider expected application of specific Require and operate condition . pass learn criticality signifier mark and right nickel felt Wholeness able of Influence , Can for required application choose The most suitable of Material , at the same time optimization cost benefit .
Evaluate nickel felt Porosity , specific surface product , mechanical strength and guide electricity Rate wait Performance , right identify Be applicable exist different industry application economy optimization and promote solve Certainly plan arrive close important , this process need accurate consider by truly of ensure selected Material satisfy specific need , need of thing , thereby accomplish Efficient and cost benefit Perfect combine .