along with Recently transportation rule of revision , nickel felt transportation industry occur Got it major Variety . These Variety right industry participants produce deep influence , Benefit relevant person understand and adapt These Variety Very important .
revision later transportation regulation So introduce Got it more strict Safety Production protocol , in one item The essential Variety change yes force Require participate nickel felt transportation all staff member accept specialized training , admire . and exist transportation process middle implement a series strict Safety operating procedures , With a view to Significantly reduce ACCIDENT occur Probability , at the same time Assure transportation personnel and surroundings Safety free from potential risk threaten .
revision rule of Other one important Influence yes right transportation cost of Influence . along with Xin’an Complete protocol of introduce as well as obey Even strict regulations of need , transportation cost expected Will at the meeting Lift . this Will right participate nickel felt transportation of company produce finance Influence , Require them again Evaluate Budget and make necessary of Adjustment by adapt These Increase of cost .
revision later transportation regulation So not only focus on traffic safety and order , Still alive Heavy exist promote environment sustainability , Require Take measures reduce transportation process middle carbon emission , concern . and promotion green transportation practice . enterprise need for this invest funds , turn more Environmental friendly transportation Way and technology , impressive Amazed . by conform to new law regulation Require , this very have possible involving arrive Significantly capital expenditure .
revision later regulation So Significantly Enhance Got it nickel felt transportation process middle responsibility sex and transparency , illuminate dark corner . Require enterprise detailed Record transportation action and implement strict Report program , aimed at truly of ensure nickel felt transportation exist Responsible appoint and conform to Morality premise Down conduct , special focus on exist reduce right environment Influence as well as Assure Worker Safety . Stable as a mountain Talent Take precautions before they happen !
In short , revision back of nickel felt transportation rule of Influence yes major of , need industry participants work together Come adapt and obey . this include invest Safety training and measure , Adjustment transportation Budget by adapt Increase of cost , implement Can continued transportation practice as well as make sure strictly adhere to Report and ask responsibility Require . finally , These Variety yes make sure nickel felt Safety and Responsible appoint transportation of positive step , all Benefit relevant person All must understand and accept These Variety right industry long Can continued develop of Influence .