nickel felt yes A sort of Commonly used At Various industry application of Material , include Battery Production , car catalyst and gas diffusion electrode . However , along with right nickel felt of need Continued growth , Evaluate That sustainability and environmental impact become getting heavier want . nickel felt of detailed life cycle Research Can for That environment footprints supply have value of opinion , and helpful Sure That Production and use middle need Improve of field .
life cycle Evaluate〔LCA〕 then one Advanced Integrate Strategy , Goals of method , specialized use exist Evaluate from Raw material pick set and deal with arrive finally abandoned Processing middle , conduct of process middle , product or Material right environment produce Comprehensive Influence . of great importance , Influence too Pass far-reaching ! This side Law through thin緻 analyze life週 During the period each stage involved and energy consumption , resource use , emission and waste produce situation , impressive revel . by identify potential Environmental friendly focus , and then guidelines right exist green product design and manufacture Decide Policy formulate .
material science and Environmental Engineering field of Research personnel recent conduct of one item Research aimed at pass detailed of life cycle Research Come Evaluate nickel felt of sustainability . Should Research consider Got it nickel felt of Production from raw materials extract arrive manufacture process , as well as That exist Various application and scrapped deal with middle of use .
according to life cycle Research , nickel felt Production process and raw materials extract and processing stage right environment produce Got it Significantly Negative impact , right thing of effect , main reflect exist Energy consumption , greenhouse gas emission as well as water resources A lot use superior . exist manufacture Craftsmanship middle , sintering , rolling and coating link quilt identify for energy use and pollutants emission key links , this further aggravate Got it That environment burden .
although nickel felt exist some application Middle born environmental impact compare Small , but exist car catalyst middle use hour , use of time , Depend on exist fossil fuel combustion , meeting guide To pollutants and greenhouse gas emission Increase , thereby cause complex environment question .
exist deal with nickel felt manufacture process middle waste hour , That scrapped manage quilt accepted for very have possible cause environment question The key factor . researcher them strong advocate , for exist nickel felt Complete life cycle Inside maximum degree land reduce environmental impact and reduce waste produce , Incomparable happiness ! must Must promote efficient Recycle and Again use Strategy .
Overall , life cycle Research for untie nickel felt right environment of Influence supply Got it valuable of opinion , and Sure Got it improve That sustainability of Chance . pass optimization raw materials extract , manufacture Craftsmanship and scrapped deal with , Can reduce nickel felt of environment footprints , make That become Various industry application middle Even Can continued of Material .
this Research of result Can for manufacturer , policy framer and consumer of decision making supply information , guide exist nickel felt of Production and use middle develop and use Even Can continued of practice . finally , right nickel felt wait Material conduct detailed of life cycle Research for Evaluate That sustainability and Sure alleviate That environmental impact of Chance by Pursue Even Can continued of future crucial .