nickel felt fiber yes Aerospace , car and generate electricity wait each industry of important Material . it with its High temperature resistance , preservative and Excellent of conductivity and famous . nickel felt fiber of diameter right That performance and Durability have major Influence , make That become Material choose and design middle need consider of important factor .
exist nickel felt fiber microscopic structure parameter middle , diameter fine-tuning right Material Macro nature produce Significantly Influence . of great importance , Influence too Pass far-reaching ! when fiber diameter reduce hour , unit volume Inside surface area Significantly Increase , thereby for electron flow move supply Got it Even Quite a few path , and then promote guide Electrical properties and Catalytic activity . This kind of small scale fiber exist mechanical stability aspect usually Performance Poor , Even easy receive external force and occur fracture , Exceptionally dazzling ! therefore , so , exist design application nickel felt fiber product hour , this piece Son need according to specific need exist guide Electricity , catalytic efficiency and mechanical strength between trade off choose suitable fiber diameter .
exist specific application selected select fiber diameter hour , this piece Son need trade off That mechanical strength , Durability and surface area , Catalytic activity between relation , Close cooperation , mutual benefit common win , because Larger diameter usually mean Even high mechanical strength and Durability , but very have possible sacrifice Got it compare Small diameter All you can supply Even big surface area and Even high Catalytic activity .
exist Require Material have pole high High temperature resistance sex The essential Application areas , major scope , like Aerospace and Power Systems middle , professional often tendency exist choose diameter more small nickel felt fiber . This kind of choose behind Come logic lies in , exist Some party noodle , small diameter fiber have Significantly Even big surface area , this not only favorable exist accomplish more Efficient hot transfer , extremely grace ! return able promote Material guide thermal able , make Of become adapt extreme high temperature environment ideal choose . Go further land , small diameter fiber were able supply one broad active surface area , this right exist Catalytic reaction Efficient conduct arrive close important , because this exist The fuel cell and catalytic Convert device wait need high Catalytic activity application Scenes middle , This type fiber Especially receive favor .
on the contrary , for mechanical strength and Durability Even important of application , For example exist car exhaust system or industry filter middle , possible preferred Larger diameter of nickel felt fiber . Larger diameter fiber of mechanical strength compare high , make That Even Resistant damage and wear and tear , thereby extend Service life and reduce maintain Require .
exist manufacture process middle , conduct of process middle , nickel felt fiber small diameter because of right specialized equipment and technology need and Significantly Increase Got it deal with and processing Complexity and challenge ; and this relatively , Larger diameter fiber So because easy exist deal with and Efficient processing and reduce Got it cost , staggering of price ! but That performance and Durability very have possible receive must Influence . of great importance , Influence too Pass far-reaching !
In short , nickel felt fiber of diameter right That performance and Durability have Significantly Influence . fiber diameter of choose depending on specific application and required of performance balance , compare Small diameter of fiber supply better of heat transfer and Catalytic activity , Larger diameter of fiber supply Even big of mechanical strength and Durability . learn fiber diameter of Influence for each industry middle Responsible appoint of Material choose and design crucial .