exist Many kinds industry field middle , like manufacture , architecture and mining wait , Metal equipment widely used Already done for Base , impressive revel . These equipment exist run process Central Committee experience constantly friction and loss , cause A sort of called「 wear and tear」 Phenomenon . when two indivual touch metal surface exist high strength Down produce serious Adhesion wear and tear hour , Will guide To In the meantime produce Card stagnation , finally guide To equipment Invalid . for response This kind of Affection What’s more and extend Metal equipment Service life , Related industry start pick use A sort of named「 nickel net Defend wear and tear technology」 method Come improve equipment wear resistant performance and Durability .
exist easy exist damage metal surface impose layer pole Thin nickel , this process called nickel net Defend wear and tear deal with , abnormal bright ! That core Target yes pass alleviate Friction Come block Metal and Metal between direct touch , feel warmth . and then eliminate because friction guide To loss . Should technology application able Substantially extend Metal equipment Service life , and efficient control maintain and replace equipment cost , staggering of price ! right promote Production efficiency and Economic benefits have Significantly Influence . of great importance , Influence too Pass far-reaching !
nickel net Defend wear and tear The reason able efficient extend Metal equipment Service life , That core mechanism exist exist it have lasting and Low friction surface characteristic , unique of Attributes , this layer characteristic were able process The protective layer , maximum limit land reduce sports process Middle born friction , and prevent surface because touch and bonding , thereby Significantly reduce Got it wear and tear Phenomenon .
use nickel net Defend wear and tear Strategy were able Significantly optimization and promote Metal equipment run efficacy and efficiency , smoothly pass reduce friction and wear and tear degree , thing of depth , make equipment Operation more Smooth and reduce Got it maintain need , need of thing , and then promote overall productive forces , reduce equipment shutdown time , thereby for company bring Significantly cost save benefit .
Apart from That Function Advantage outside , nickel net Defend wear and tear return have Corrosion resistance , this for exposed exist bad environment or corrosive Material middle of Metal equipment crucial . nickel coating act as Protect barrier , prevent Ground floor Metal and corrosive substance touch and extend equipment of Service life .
Overall , nickel net Defend wear and tear technology for rely Metal equipment of industry Let’s talk yes A sort of have value of solution . That reduce friction , prevent wear and tear and supply Corrosion resistance of ability Can Significantly extend Metal equipment of Service life and mention high That Wholeness able . pass invest this technology , company Can make sure That Metal equipment Keep Even long time of run , finally cut costs and mention high productivity .